TPXO Global Tidal Models
TPXO M2 tide amplitude (color) and phase (contours). The white phase lines are spaced 60 degree.
TPXO is a series of fully-global models of ocean barotropic tides, which best-fits, in a least-squares sense, the Laplace Tidal Equations and assimilated data. Each next model in TPXO series is based on updated bathymetry and assimilates more satellite altimetry data compared to previous versions. All TPXO global models were obtained with OTIS , the software, implementing methods described in details by Egbert, Bennett, and Foreman,1994 and further by Egbert and Erofeeva,2002.
ALL global TPXO models include gridded harmonic constants of MSL-relative sea-surface elevations and transports/currents for eight primary (M2, S2, N2, K2, K1, O1, P1, Q1), two long period (Mf,Mm) and 3 non-linear (M4, MS4, MN4) tides. TPXO9 and TPXO10 also include 9 and 11 minor tides correspondingly.
TPXO models are provided at two resolutions
1/6 degree for TPXO10, TPXO9, TPXO10v*a, TPXO9v*a
1/30 degree for TPXO-atlases
TPXO models are served in two polular formats:
Note: our netcdf format is different from TMD3 consolidated netcdf format
TPXO global tide models are available for academic research, and other non-commercial uses and require registration.
To refer to our models/software in your publications please use the citation:
Check out our TPXO Web Service to get tide predictions from TPXO10-atlas at any location and time.