OSU TPXO Tide Models
Here we present TPXO global, regional and local models of barotropic tide, obtained with the methods described in details by Egbert, Bennett, and Foreman (1994) and further by Egbert and Erofeeva,2002. These methods were implemented in the software package OTIS (OSU Tidal Inversion Software). All our global/regional/local models were obtained with OTIS by assimilating satellite altimetry and sometimes other data.
Our tidal models are gridded sets of tidal harmonic constants at different resolutions and include 3 components:
bathymetry/depth grid (m)
elevations (m)
linear transports (m2/s)
The harmonic constants are given as complex amplitudes, so that the partial tide at time t for a single constituent of frequency w at location x is given by the formula:
h(t,x) = Pu(t,x).Re [ h(x) exp { i [w (t - t0) + V0(t0)+Ph(t,x)] } ]
where V0(t0) is the astronomical argument for the constituent at time t0, Pu(t,x) and Ph(t,x) are the nodal corrections. Then amplitude is | h | and phase = atan (-Im(h)/Re(h)). Tidal elevations are referenced to mean sea level (MSL), so long time average of model time series is zero. Tidal currents are defined as transports divided by the depth.
We provide some software tools to go with our solutions such as OTPS(nc). There also exist multiple 3rd parties software to work with TPXO binary/netcdf formats, i.e. TMD, Harmonica, OTPS2FRC etc.
All our models and software are under the same license:
COPYRIGHT Egbert & Erofeeva, OSU, 2010
Our older regional and local tidal solutions are freely available for academic research and other non-commercial uses.
TPXO global tide solutions are also available for academic research and other non-commercial uses, but require registration.
To refer to our models/software in your publications please use the citation:
Check out our TPXO Web Service to get tide predictions from TPXO10-atlas at any location and time.