
TPXO9-atlas is 1/30 degree resolution fully global solution, obtained by combining 1/6 degree base global solution TPXO9.v1 and thirty 1/30 degree resolution local solutions for all coastal areas, including Arctic and Antarctic. All TPXO9-atlas patches were obtained using consistent bathymetry and boundary conditions from TPXO9 base solution, using the same altimetry data sets for assimilation. The local solution boundaries are shown above with frames on the background of TPXO9-atlas M2 elevation amplitude (color) and phase (contours). 

We provide both TPXO9-atlas 1/30 degree resolution and TPXO9 1/6 degree base global solution in two popular formats:

Note: our netcdf format is different from TMD3 consolidated netcdf format

Since the files are large, we provide one tidal constituent per file. OTPS (nc) does allow to work with multiple single-constituent TPXO9-atlas files. MATLAB toolbox TMD2.5 does not.  Script tpxo_atlas2local.m can be used as TMD2.5 plug_in. The script makes a multi-constituent outcut from the single constituent TPXO9-atlas binary files for an area of your choice. This multi-constituent outcut can then be used with TMD2.5

Note: You can convert TPXO9-atlas binary to the TMD3 consolidated netcdf format with a script provided with TMD3.

Download tpxo_atlas2local.m for Linux/macOS

Download tpxo_atlas2local.m for Windows 

TPXO9-atlas is set of elevation/transport files one constituent per file and bathymetry.  TPXO9v* includes two multi-constituent  files of the elevations/transports and one of the bathymetry. 

TPXO9-atlas latest version: v5, release Oct 29, 2021:  TAS, AZR and SOI patches updated using  SRTM15 bathymetry and Natural Earth coastline version 4.1.0.  Polar areas improved, using  SRTM15 and IBCAO bathymetry.

TPXO9-atlas-v5 fits on average 3.7% more of CryoSat variance in Arctic and 2.7% more in Antarctic compared to TPXO9-atlas-v2

TPXO9v5a - multi-constituent global 1/6 degree resolution hybrid product. It is the same as TPXO9.v2 in the open ocean, and it is averaged TPXO9-atlas-v5 onto TPXO9 1/6 degree resolution grid in coastal areas. Release Oct 29, 2021

TPXO9v1, TPXO9v5a and TPXO9-atlas-v5 are available for academic research and other non-commercial uses and require registration. 



To refer to our models/software in your publications please use the citation:

Egbert, Gary D., and Svetlana Y. Erofeeva. "Efficient inverse modeling of barotropic ocean tides." Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 19.2 (2002): 183-204.

Check out our TPXO Web Service to get tide predictions from TPXO9-atlas at any location and time.